Our Pricing

Our pricing structure is designed with affordability in mind, catering to both individuals and businesses alike. We believe that cost should not be a barrier to accessing our services, and our competitive pricing reflects this commitment.

Whether you are an individual looking to enhance your training or a business seeking to update your workers, our pricing options are tailored to meet your needs. With us, you can enjoy the benefits of our services without breaking the bank.

Important and resourceful recommendations are provided on the best study materials, books and on-line resources for effective exam preparation. 

Mock-Practice exams that simulate actual certification exams are all part of our unique tutoring/mentoring/training sessions.  Including detailed feedback and performance analysis on your responses which leads you to prepare for the real exam. 

Bootcamp / August / Business Analysis


French or English

A Practical Introduction to Business Analysis

— Practical Skills & Certification Preparation
— Industry-Relevant Knowledge
— Professional Development

Business Analysis – Basic

French or English


For individuals eager to acquire new skills, take on challenges, and collaborate with industry experts

— Understanding Business Needs
— Requirements Analysis
— Communication and Collaboration

Tutoring / French or English


Good for in-depth explanations and guidance for college level and below for the following

— Physics
— Math & Statistics
— Computer Science

Mentoring Starting at
Project Management – Basic
Comment Raconter Son Histoire
Business Architecture


French or English

For individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of Business Architecture Fundamentals

— Introduction to Business Architecture Fundamentals
— Key Principles and Methodologies
— Practical Application and Case Studies

Helping Hand – OC


Le Biais Inconscient

— Présence de Biais Inconscients chez Tout le Monde
— Utilisation de Raccourcis Mentaux pour Simplifier la Perception
— Impact des Biais Inconscients sur les Perceptions et Décisions

Training / French or English


Classroom based & tailored on your needs

— Project management (PMP) exam preparation
— Business Analysis (CCBA & CBAP) exam preparation
— Business Architecture (TOGAF) exam preparation & Scrum Master

Over 3000 Clients worldwide rely on our services

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I confess that the training was fantastic and beneficial. Currently, I inform you that I am actively implementing various staff management techniques, yielding positive results. A thousand thanks to you once again. I hope that we will have the opportunity to meet and collaborate in the future.


Rating: 5 out of 5.

I didn’t know what to expect from mentoring, and it turned out to be a enriching learning experience for me. It allowed me to open up and identify my weaknesses, turning them into strengths.